Reason Ghanaian Woman is Climbing Kilimanjaro to Raise Awareness for Child Online Safety and Well being. #Hike4TheAfricanChild

The Internet can be wonderful for kids and has made digital communication and information flow a vital part of everyday life. They can use it to research school reports, communicate with teachers and other kids, and play interactive games.
But online access also comes with risks, like inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and online predators. Using apps and websites where kids interact, predators may pose as a child or teen looking to make a new friend. They might prod the child to exchange personal information, such as address and phone number, or encourage kids to call them, seeing their phone number via caller ID.
We are all proud and happy to be an information society where everything comes to us at a click of a button or an icon.
Many developed countries have made significant progress when it comes to equipping the Millenials and the generation X. This is not to say that there are no ills in such societies,what it means is that they have some level of coping mechanism in place should the unexpected happens.
Same cannot be said of Africa. We have close to zero knowledge at some levels for adults, you can imagine what children and young people will face then? The vulnerability is there for everyone but worse in the case of children.
As an advocate for Digital Rights protection,Mrs Awo Aidam Amenyah believes the African child should be empowered enough to spot danger,understand what action to take to safeguard himself/herself online and how s/he can support others to stay safe. She is a founding member of Child Online Africa (COA).
Child Online Africa formerly called J Initiative is a child focused research and advocacy based non-governmental organization that campaigns for/with children and young people and their families to influence policies and change practices that affect child safety, protection and well-Being in Ghana and Africa.
“I have decided to make a personal sacrifice for the child in Africa to have the best of life on the Internet. Children and young people in Africa will contribute to the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 5 but this contribution from children and young people will be meaningless if the right Provision is left only at the signature status. If the digital space presents risks to us as adults, it is important we bear in mind that the risk is a lot higher when it comes to children. I agree the information society presents a new challenge for child welfare but we cannot give up on what to do to keep children and young people safe in this new environment” ~ Awo Aidam Amenyah – Executive Director of Child Online Africa (COA).
To get this message across to all and sundry on behalf of the African Child, Mrs. Amenyah is embarking on a journey, #Hike4TheAfricanChild , to climb Kilimanjaro. The highest “free-standing ” mountain in the world in Tanzania at 19,341 (5,895m.) feet above sea level. This noble cause hopes to make statement for online safety for the African Child, create awareness on the need to protect the vulnerable and give people especially children the confidence to use the internet without fear and raising of funds to support COA’s strategy to make the internet a safe place for everyone.
In preparation for the hike, Mrs. Amenyah has been undergoing training for this cause and you can follow her journey on twitter @AwoAdvocates
Training session though fun but draining. #PTIs will not let me and l was @addidasorignal as l were clothed by them .Haha! #Kili4TheAfricanChild #Kili4TheChildOnline #Hike4TheAfricanChild #Hike4TheChildOnline @EveKissi @MataLope
It’s about endurance, perseverance,authenticity and commitment. Nothing comes easy and so is this cause. Thanks to @InternetSolgh @PeterUlanga @darteymedia @tracekeny @MAYOZimbabwe for your tremendous support for #Kili4TheAfricanChild #Kili4TheChildOnline
“Somewhere between the bottom of the climb and the summit is the answer to the mystery why we climb.” Greg Child
The answer l seek is the #safety #protection #WellBeing of the #AfricanChild #Kili4TheAfricanChild #BlackStars #Tunisia @COnlineAfrica @cmghana
Kindly donate in support of #Hike4TheAfricanChild cause on GoFundMe and let’s make it happen for the African child who is using the digital space.
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